The Information Security Climate Index, ISCI is a 9-item scale that assesses how employees view the policies and practices concerning safe data handling. It contains 3 subscales:
- Practices: Behaviors and discussions that are actively initiated by the supervisor to promote information security.
- Importance: The importance placed on the protection of confidential data.
- Laxness: Prioritizing other work activities over information security.
The ISI should be cited as Kessler, S. R., Pindek, S., Kleinman, G., Andel, S. A., & Spector, P. E. (2020). Information security climate and the assessment of information security risk among healthcare employees. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1), 461-473. doi:10.1177/1460458219832048
Information Security Climate Index
Supplemental materials from the Kessler 2020 article
Note: The ISCI is copyright 2020, Stacey Kessler, Shani Pindek, Gary Kleinman, Stephanie Andel, and Paul Spector, All rights reserved.