Paul and his colleagues have developed assessments to measure self-reported and other-reported psychological constructs for use in organizational research. Each has been published in the literature and has been used in research. Each is copyrighted, but he will waive all fees and allow free use in return for sharing of results. References and updated information are provided.
Don’t see what you are looking for? Check out Paul’s assessment archive for workplace measures, and his companion archive for mental health and other non-work measures.
Summated Rating Scale Construction explains Paul’s approach to developing these assessments.
Conditions for Free Use of these Assessments
The Assessments
Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist, CWB-C
Information Security Climate Index, ISCI
Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scales, ICAWS
Job-related Affective Well-being Scale, JAWS
Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS. The JSS-2 is an improved version developed solely for commercial use.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Checklist, OCB-C
Organizational Constraints Scale, OCS
Physical Symptoms Inventory, PSI
Quantitative Workload Inventory, QWI