Scales to assess aspects of the work environment including job characteristics and job stressors.
- Bullying. Quine (2000). Developed for nurses but would work for other occupations, Journal of Health Psychology.
- Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised NAQR. Einarsen et al. 2009, Work & Stress. Subscales of Work-related bullying, Person-related bullying, and Physically intimidating bullying.
- Short Negative Acts Questionnaire SNAQ. Notelaers et al. 2019, Work & Stress.
Job Characteristics
- Autonomy. Bacharach et al. 1990, Work and Occupation.
- Baecke Physical Activity Questionnaire. Modified by Wolff et al. 2021, American Journal of Health Promotion to assess level of physical activity in a job.
- Control at work scale by Dwyer and Ganster (1991). NIOSH report of scale’s development.
- Empowerment. Spreitzer 1995, Academy of Management Journal, Subscales of Competence, Impact, Meaning, Self-determination.
- Factual Autonomy Scale FAS. Fact-based measure of autonomy.
- Job Characteristics Inventory JCI. Sims et al. (1976). Has subscales Variety, Autonomy, Feedback, Task Identity, Dealing with Others, Friendship.
- Job Diagnostic Survey, JDS. Hackman and Oldham’s (1975) measure of job characteristics. Includes German version.
- Monotony. Melamed et al. 1995, Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Multimethod Job Design Questionnaire. MJDQ. Campion (1988). Blend of job analysis and job characteristics. Measures four domains of Motivational, Mechanistic, Biological, and Perceptual/Motor aspects of jobs.
- Routinization and formalization. Bacharach et al. 1990, Work and Occupation. Separate scales to assess the extent to which the job is structured with procedures and rules. Also has measures of autonomy and role stressors.
- Work Design Questionnaire WDQ. Morgeson & Humphrey 2006, Journal of Applied Psychology. Comprehensive scale that includes 21 subscales in four categories: task, knowledge, social and context.
Organizational Justice
- Organizational justice. Colquitt 2001, Journal of Applied Psychology. Four subscales Procedural, Distributive, Interpersonal, and Informational justice.
- Organizational justice. Moorman 1991, Journal of Applied Psychology. Lim 2002 shows factor analysis of scale. Three subscales: Distributive, Interactional, and Procedural justice.
Social Stressors and Mistreatment (Bullying measures in separate section above)
- Abusive supervision. Tepper 2000, Academy of Management Journal.
- Customer-related Social Stressors CSS. Dormann & Zapf, 2004. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Subscales of Disproportionate customer expectations, Customer verbal aggression, Disliked customers, Ambiguous customer expectations.
- Incivility. Cortina et a. (2001). Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Perhaps the most popular incivility scale.
- Incivility. Matthews & Ritter 2015, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 4-item measure.
- Incivility in nursing. Guidroz et al. (2010), Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale ICAWS. A meta-analysis by Nathan Bowling and Terry Beehr found this was the most often used measure of employee mistreatment at work.
- Out of the Workplace Loop Scale, OWLS. Jones et al. (2020), Journal of Applied Social Psychology. A type of social exclusion.
- Perceived Introversion Mistreatment Scale PIM. McCord (2021), Occupational Health Science. Mistreatment due to being introverted.
- Perception of Organizational Politics Scale, POPS. Kacmar & Ferris 1991, Educational and Psychological Measurement.
- Perception of Organizational Politics Scale, POPS Spanish version. Vega 2022, Open Journal System.
- Social undermining. Duffy et al. 2002, Academy of Management Journal.
- Workplace Ostracism Scale, WOS. Ferris et al. 2008, Journal of Applied Psychology. Most used workplace ostracism scale.
Task Stressors
- Bern Illegitimate Tasks Scale BITS. By Semmer et al., 2009. Extent to which people feel they are given tasks they should not be.
- Effort-Reward Imbalance questionnaire.
- Exploitation. Duffy et al. 2016, Journal of Positive Psychology. The extent to which people feel demands at work are unreasonable.
- Illegitimate absence of tasks. Fila et al. 2023 (Book Chapter). Extent to which people feel they are not give tasks they should. Companion to BITS above.
- Organizational Constraints Scale, OCS.
- Quantitative Workload Inventory, QWI.
- Role ambiguity and role conflict. Bowling et al. 2017, Work & Stress. Addresses wording direction confound in original scales.
- Role ambiguity and role conflict. Original Rizzo, House and Lirtzman 1970, Administrative Science Quarterly scales.
- Role conflict and role overload. Bacharach et al. 1990, Work and Occupation.
- Understaffing. Hudson & Shen 2018, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Subscales of Manpower understaffing and Expertise understaffing.
Stress Battery
- Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire COPSOQ II. Pejtersen et al. 2010, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. Has 41 subscales. This article contains the items and is from a special issue on the scale.
- Job Content Questionnaire, JCQ. Karasek et al. 1998, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Work Environment
- Decent Work Scale, DWS. Duffy et al. 2017. Scale to assess five dimensions of jobs (Safe Working Conditions, Access to Health Care, Adequate Compensation, Reasonable Working Hours, Organizational Values). From the International Labour Organization’s concept that everyone deserves work that is safe and provides for basic needs.
- Work-family and family-work conflict. Netemeyer et al. 1996.
- Work-family conflict. The 6 dimension Carlson, Kacmar & Williams (2000) scale.
- Work-family enrichment. The Carlson, Kacmar, Wayne, & Grzywacz (2006) scale.
- Work and family engagement. Rothbard 2001. Subscales of Attention and Absorption for work and for family.