Quantitative Workload Inventory QWI

The QWI is a 5 item scale designed to assess the amount or quantity of work in a job, as opposed to qualitative workload which is the difficulty of the work. As described in more detail in Spector and Jex (1998), there have been several versions of the scale used, ranging from 5 to 8 items. The final scale has 5 items, and all results with longer versions were adjusted to a scale length of 5 for the norms. Respondents are asked to indicate how often each statement occurs, with five response choices, ranging from less than once per month or never, coded 1, to several times per day, coded 5. High scores represent a high level of workload, with a possible range from 5 to 25. Spector and Jex (1998) reported an average internal consistency (coefficient alpha) of .82 across 15 studies.

The QWI is often used with the Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, and the Physical Symptoms Inventory, so information about all four scales is found in some of the same documents.

Spector, P. E., & Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of Four Self-Report Measures of Job Stressors and Strain: Interpersonal Conflict at Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory, and Physical Symptoms Inventory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3, 356-367.


Each of the 5 items has five response choices, numbered from 1 to 5. Sum the responses to each item, which will yield a total score from 5 to 25.



Conditions for Using the QWI

QWI English version.

QWI Translations.

Note: The QWI is copyright © 1997, Paul E. Spector and Steve M. Jex, All rights reserved.