Workplace Mistreatment Affects Mental Health

Angry man behind desk screaming at someone.

Workplace Mental Health

Workplace Mistreatment

  • Belittling someone.
  • Publicly calling someone out for saying something a person doesn’t like.
  • Hitting or pushing someone.
  • Ignoring someone and excluding them from activities (e.g., lunch) or conversations.
  • Insulting someone about their work.
  • Making negative comments about someone’s appearance.
  • Posting something negative about someone on social media.
  • Sending someone a nasty email.
  • Spreading a harmful rumor.
  • Threatening to harm someone.

Workplace Mistreatment Affects Mental Health

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pixels.

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2 Replies to “Workplace Mistreatment Affects Mental Health”

  1. Love this article, and appreciate its contents. Would love to hear your thoughts on what an effective mistreatment control system looks like for any particular organization. Thanks!

    1. It starts from the top with leaders encouraging and modeling respectful treatment. The goal is to create a culture where good treatment is the norm. You can’t eliminate 100% of poor behavior, but organizations can improve.

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