Organizational climate concerns the polices and practices of organizations–the behaviors that are encouraged versus discouraged. Most climate measures are focused on specific organizational objectives noted below. Organizational culture concerns far more than climate and includes artifacts, customs, symbols, and values. The terms are often used interchangeably
Civility Climate
- Civility climate. Ottinot (2008).
- See also Safety Climate for related climate measures
Customer Service Climate
- Customer service climate scale in English and Spanish. Carrasco et al. 2012. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones.
- Customer service climate scale.
Cybersecurity Climate
Diversity Climate
- Diversity climate. Buttner et al. 2012, Journal of Business Ethics.
- Diversity climate. Pugh et al. 2008, Journal of Applied Psychology. Four-item scale found in method section.
Error Orientation
- Error Orientation Questionnaire EOQ. Originally developed to assess an individual’s feelings about making mistakes, this scale can be used as a climate measure how organizations deal with errors.
- Error Orientation Questionnaire (EOQ). Italian version.
- Management Error Orientation Questionnaire (MEOQ). Korsten et al. 2004.
Ethical Climate
- Corporate ethical values. Hunt et al. 1989, Journal of Marketing.
- Corporate Ethical Virtues CEV-S short version. Toro-Arlas et al. 2022, Journal of Business Ethics. English and Spanish. Subscales: Clarity, Congruency of supervisors, Congruency of senior management, Discussability, Feasibility, Sanctionability, Supportability, Transparency.
- Ethical business culture. Ardichvili et al. 2009, Journal of Business Ethics. Not a scale but lists characteristics of ethical companies that could be made into a scale.
- Ethical Climate Index ECI. Arnaud 2006. Cognitive Psychology Commons. Four subscales: Collective moral sensitivity, Collective moral judgment, Collective moral motivation, Collective moral character.
- Ethical Climate Index ECI. Almeida & Porto 2019 Revista de Administracao. Brazilian Portuguese version.
- Ethical Climate Questionnaire. Cullen & Victor 2008, Psychological Reports.
- Ethical Climate Questionnaire short form of Cullen & Victor. Shin 2012, Journal of Business Ethics. Five item, single score.
- Ethical Culture Questionnaire. Key 1999, Journal of Business Ethics.
- Ethical Organizational Climate EOC. Kuenzi et al. 2020, Personnel Psychology.
- Perceived ethical culture. Sweeney et al. 2010, Journal of Business Ethics.
General Climate/Culture
- Business Organizational Climate Index BOCI. Payne & Pheysey 1971, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. Twenty-four subscales that describe organizations.
- Competing Values Framework. Gerowitz, 1998, Quality Management in Health Care. Places organizations into four types: Clan, Empirical, Open, Rational.
- Hospitality Culture Scale. Dawson et al. 2011, International Journal of Hospitality.
- Organizational Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ). Sashkin, 1997.
- Organizational Climate Measure OCM. Patterson et al. 2005, Journal of Organizational Behavior. Seventeen subscales.
- Organizational culture measure. van der Post et al. 1997, South African Journal of Business. Fifteen subscales.
- Organizational Culture Survey. Glaser 1987 Management Communication Quarterly. Subscales of Climate and morale, Information flow, Involvement, Meetings, Supervision, Teamwork and conflict.
- Organizational culture. Ghosh & Srivastava 2014, Global Business Review. Subscales of Action orientation, Attitude towards risk, Openness, Participation, Respect for the individual, Trust.
Health Behavior
Organizational Health Behavior Climate OHBC. Sonnentag & Pundt, 2016, Applied Psychology: An International Review. The extent to which organizations encourage healthy behavior. Multiple subscales concerning eating and exercise.
Healthcare Climate
Humor Climate
Information Security Climate
See Cybersecurity Climate above.
Initiative Climate
Climate for initiative. Baer & Frese 2003, Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Innovation Climate
- HR innovation climate. Florkowski 2019, Employee Relations. Innovation climate produced by HR.
- Innovation climate. Wikhamn & Wikhamn 2011, Creativity and Innovation Management.
- Team Climate Inventory TCI. Anderson & West 1998 Journal of Organizational Behavior. Subscales of Vision, Participation safety, Support for innovation, Task orientation, Interaction frequency.
- Team Climate Inventory short form. Kivimäki & Elovainio 1999, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Learning Climate
- Learning Climate Questionnaire, LCQ. By Mikkelsen & Gronhaug, 1999. Subscales of Autonomy and responsibiltiy, Contentedness, Guidelines on how to do the job, Management relations and style, Opportunity to develop, Team style, Time.
- Learning Orientation Scale. Baker & Sinkula 1999, Journal of Academy of Marketing Sciences. Subscale of Commitment to learning, Open-mindedness, Shared vision.
- Learning Orientation Scale shortened. Wang 2008, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Subscales of Commitment to learning, Open-mindedness, Shared vision.
Psychological Safety Climate
- General safety climate. Combines physical, psychological and violence prevention.
- Psychological Safety. Edmondson 1999, Administrative Science Quarterly. Team climate for psychological safety.
- Psychological Safety. Baer & Frese 2003, Journal of Organizational Behavior. Organizational climate based on Edmondson’s 1999 scale.
- Psychosocial Safety Climate-12. Specifically for psychological safety at work.
- Team climate. Anderson & West 1998 Journal of Organizational Behavior. Subscales of Vision, Participation safety, Support for innovation, Task orientation, Interaction frequency.
- Violence Prevention Climate Scale. Specifically for physical violence and psychological mistreatment.
Safety Climate
- Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire. Left hand link to article. Link to the scale itself.
- Safety climate. General 5-dimensional measure.
- Safety Climate Questionnaire. Three subscales.
- Safety climate for construction. A scale specifically for construction sites.
- Safety climate for healthcare
- Safety climate for hospitals.
- Safety climate for laboratories. By Wu et al., 2007.
Team Climate
- Team Climate Inventory TCI. Anderson & West 1998 Journal of Organizational Behavior. Subscales of Vision, Participation safety, Support for innovation, Task orientation, Interaction frequency.
- Team Climate Inventory short form. Kivimaki et al. 2007, BMC Health Services Research. 14-item version.