This page links to measures of job attitudes and motivation. The most often measured attitude is job satisfaction. There is more on the topic here.
Job Engagement and Motivation
- Ideal Point Work Engagement Scale IPWES. DeNunzio et al. 2023, Journal of Business and Psychology. 9-item and 20-item versions.
- Job Engagement. By Rich et al. (2010), Academy of Management Journal. Three subscale, 18-items: Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive engagement.
- Job Engagement Short Form. Houle et al. 2022, Journal of Business and Psychology. Same three subscales, 9-item version of Rich 2010 scale (above) in English and French.
- Job and organization engagement. Saks 2006, Journal of Managerial Psychology. Has separate subscales for each.
- Motivation at Work Scale, MAWS. Gagné et al. 2010, Educational and Psychological Measurement . Four subscales including extrinsic and intrinsic motivation
- Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES. Schaufeli et al. 2006, Educational and Psychological Measurement. This manual contains several language versions. Three subscales of Absorption, Dedication, and Vigor.
- Work and family engagement. Rothbard 2001, Administrative Science Quarterly . Subscales of Attention and Absorption for work and for family.
Job Satisfaction
- ADHD Job Satisfaction Scale, ADHS-JSS. Gabriel 2022, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences. 30-item version of Job Satisfaction Survey suitable for individuals with ADHD.
- Career Satisfaction Scale, CSS. By Greenhaus, Parasuraman & Wormley, 1990.
- INDSALES. Job satisfaction for salespeople. Original long form Churchill et al. 1974, Journal of Marketing Research. Short form Comer et al. 1989, Journal of Business Research has items for both versions. Subscales Supervision, Job, Company policy, Promotion, Pay, Fellow workers, Customer.
- Job Descriptive Index, JDI. Measures 5 facets of job satisfaction.
- Job Diagnostic Survey JDS satisfaction subscales. The JDS contains subscales Growth, Pay, Security, Social, Supervision and global satisfaction.
- Job In General, JIG. A general measure of job satisfaction.
- Job Satisfaction of Persons with Disabilities Scale. Brooks et al. 2021 provide scale and validation data. Two dimensions of tangible and intangible benefits. Items emphasize feeling accepted, valued, and well treated.
- Job Satisfaction Survey, JSS. Measures 9 facets of job satisfaction. Original version free for noncommercial use.
- Job Satisfaction Survey 2, JSS-2 Improved version of the JSS for commercial use only.
- Job Security Satisfaction. Bazzoli & Probst 2022, Applied Psychology.
- Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire, MOAQ general job satisfaction scale. Full MOAQ report is here as well.
- Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, JSQ. Has 20 facets plus intrinsic vs. extrinsic satisfaction scores.
- Satisfaction with Work Scale (SWWS). Bérubé et al. 2007. Both English and French versions.
Commitment and Involvement
- Career commitment. Blau 1989, Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Commitment to the supervisor. Becker et al. 1996, Academy of Management Journal.
- Job Involvement. Lodahl & Kejner 1965, Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Unidimensional Target Neutral Commitment Measure (K.U.T.). Klein et al. 2014, Journal of Applied Psychology. Flexible measure that allows assessment of commitment to any target by modifying its items. Available in 12 languages.
- Organizational Commitment. Allen & Meyer 1996, Journal of Vocational Behavior. Dimensions of affective, continuance and normative.
- Organizational Commitment. Mowday, Steers & Porter, 1979, Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Turnover Intentions. 1-item and 3-item versions. Paul’s scales.
Miscellaneous Attitudinal Variables
- Menon Empowerment Scale. Menon 2001, Applied Psychology: An International Review. Subscales of Perceived Control, Perceived Competence, and Goal Internalization. Long and short versions in English, French, and Spanish.
- Perceived Organizational Support short-form. From Rhodes et al. 2001, Journal of Applied Psychology. Saks created a separate perceived supervisor support from some of the items.
- Trust. Dietz et al., 2006, Personnel Review. Reviews/Provides 14 measures of trust from the literature. If you are looking for a trust measure, start here.