Assessments of behavior that goes beyond the workplace are in the other archive.
Counterproductive Work Behavior, CWB
- Constructive deviance. Galperin 2012, Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
- Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist CWB-C. Spector et al. 2006, Journal of Vocational Behavior. Can be scored in three ways: Overall, OCB directed at organizations vs. people, and five dimensions of Abuse against others, Production deviance, Sabotage, Theft, and Withdrawal. Available in 10-item and 35-item versions.
- Ethical Sales Behavior. By Roman & Ruiz 2005, Journal of Business Research. Ratings by customers of salesperson’s behavior.
- Organizational retaliatory behavior. Skarlicki & Folger, 1997, Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Pro-social rule breaking (PSRB). Dahling et al. 2012 Journal of Organizational Behavior.
- Workplace counterproductivity. Marcus et al. 2002, International Journal of Selection and Assessment.
- Workplace deviance. Bennett & Robinson 2000, Journal of Applied Psychology. Has subscales of organization and personal deviance.
- Workplace deviance–non-self report. Stewart et al. 2009, Journal of Applied Psychology. Modification of the Bennett & Robinson deviance scale suitable for other-reports.
- Unethical behavior. Akaah 1996, Journal of Business Ethics. Has list of behaviors rated for unethicality. This scale has been used to get ratings of unethical behavior by employees.
For target perspective on abusive and nasty behavior see social stressors in environment section.
Creativity and Innovation
- Innovation. Scott & Bruce. 1994, Academy of Management Journal.
- Innovative work behavior. De Jong & Den Hartog 2010, Creativity and Innovation Management.
Miscellaneous Behavior
- Employee participation. Wikhamn et al. 2021. Three subscales: Work Role Participation, HR Participation, Strategic Participation.
- Job Crafting Scale JCS. Tims et al 2012, Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Job Crafting Questionnaire JCQ. Slemp & Vella-Brodrick 2013, International Journal of Wellbeing. Three subscales: Task Crafting, Cognitive Crafting, Relational Crafting.
- Job crafting review of scales and meta-analysis. Rudolph et al. 2017 Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Participation by Employees. Wikhamn et al. 2022, International Journal of Human Resource Management. Subscales of HR participation, Strategic participation, Work role participation.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior, OCB
- Contextual Performance. By Motowidlo & Van Scotter, 1994. Includes measure of task performance.
- Oppositional courage. Thoroughgood et al. 2021. Perceptions of whether people at work stand up for transgender colleagues.
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior Checklist OCB-C. Fox et al., 2012, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Available in No Cost Assessments.
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Lee & Allen 2002, Journal of Applied Psychology. Subscales of OCBI and OCBO.
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Measures dimensions of Altruism, Civic Virtue, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, and Sportsmanship. By Podsakoff et al. 1990, The Leadership Quarterly.
- Organizational citizenship behavior. Includes measure of task performance. By Anderson and Williams, 1991, Journal of Management.
- Organizational citizenship behavior. Includes dimensions of loyalty, obedience, and participation. Ties to cynacism and values. By Van Dyne et al., 1994, Academy of Management Journal.
- Voice. By Van Dyne & LePine, 1998, Academy of Management Journal.
Task Performance
- Call center representative behavior. Measures customer expectations in four dimensions. By Burgers et al. 2000.
- Task performance. Includes measure of OCB. By Anderson and Williams.
- Task performance. From Project A. Found in Motowidlo & Van Scotter, 1994. Also has measure of contextual performance.