You have gotten to the final video of the course. We hope that these tips about how to maximize your study potential is helpful for overcoming some of the internal impediments to achieving your academic goals. Further, these tips can be useful after graduation in your career and any time you need to get things done.
Video Transcript
If you’ve gone through the entire course, you have learned about the concept of action-state orientation, and the three state-orientation characteristics that are impediments to getting your work done. You’ve learned five strategies for staying more focused and able to meet progress toward goals. You’ve learned the five strategies of mini-goals, avoiding distractions, spacing your learning, structuring time, and making public commitment. These are tools that you can use moving forward. My advice is don’t try to apply all five of them at once. Pick one, let’s say start with mini-goals and start using them. Then introduce them one by one. Set a plan for incorporating these tips into your work and into your study. Start with the improvement plan to set goals for doing better. Those are goals about setting goals–goals about using the different tips. As you use them, after a while they become second nature and you don’t really have to think about them and don’t have to make much effort. When you get some new thing to accomplish, you just naturally start applying these different strategies. And keep in mind that the strategies are not just for school. Once you graduate and you’re in the workforce, the same strategies can be as useful for work as they are for school. So as we come to the close of this course, I hope that you find these tips useful and that they help you perform even better in class and beyond.