These podcasts cover a wide range of topics relevant to industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology and beyond. Many are covered in Paul’s text Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice and could be used in an I-O class. Paul has been interviewed in some of them.
I-O Topics
- Better Together Tuesdays. Hosted by Steven Rogelberg. This monthly series is about the I-O field with a focus on Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- Department 12: An I-O Psychology Podcast. Hosted by Ben Butina.
- Experts on Leadership. Hosted by Jonathan Hoover. Paul was interviewed in 2019 about the interpersonal side of leadership.
- Healthy Work. Hosted by Maryana Arvan and Keaton Fletcher. Covers occupational health psychology topics, often discussing recently published articles from academic journals.
- Indigo Podcast. Hosted by Ben Baran and Chris Everett. Paul was interviewed in 2021 about occupational health psychology and what it takes to make your organization healthy.
- JVR Africa Podcast. Hosted by Andrew Morris of the JVR Africa Group, an I-O consulting firm in South Africa. Contains several podcasts on resilience. Paul’s interview will be posted soon.
- The Great IO Get-Together. Hosted by Richard Landers and Tara Behrend, it is both a podcast and live event.
- Thriving at Work. Hosted by Patricia Grabarek and Katina Sawyer.
- Verdant Podcast. Hosted by Allessandria Polizzi. Paul appears in episode 42, October 2021.
- Work Life. Hosted by Adam Grant, perhaps the most well-known I-O person in the world. His blog is highly popular with more than a million views per episode. Grant interviews some amazing people (e.g., Malcolm Gladwell and Jane Goodall) and not just I-O psychologists.
Not Just I-O Topics
- All in the Mind. Currently hosted by Sana Qadar. Many of the topics are relevant to I-O, like bullying, changing habits, dark triad, and resilience.
- Dose of Leadership. Hosted by Richard Rierson. As the title suggests, the focus is on leadership with interviews with both leadership experts and successful leaders.
- Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast. Hosted by Yadi Caro. Talks to people in technical positions about the value of soft skills. Recent episodes on communication, creativity, and grit,
- Shoppernomics. Hosted by Phil Mcgee. Paul was interviewed in 2019 about the nature of engagement and our research developing a new scale. Paul’s ABCs of Customer Engagement blog article contains more details.
- The Psych Files Podcast. Hosted by Michael Britt. Started in 2007, Britt talks about a wide range of psychology topics including I-O.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels