Attitudes/Perceptions of Workplace Technology
- Attitudes Toward AI Application at Work. Park et al. 2024, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Subscales of Perceived human-likeness, Perceived adaptability, Perceived quality of AI, AI use anxiety, Job insecurity, and Personal utility.
- Bring your own device to work. Doargajudhur & Dell 2019. Use of personal devices for work.
- Cyberloafing. Blau et al. 2006, Journal of Allied Health. Expansion of Lim’s 2002 measure.
- Cyberloafing. Cook 2017, Dissertation Northcentral University.
- Cyberloafing. Lim 2002, Journal of Organizational Behavior. Items concern e-mail and web browsing.
- Social network cyberloafing. Adreassen et al. 2014, Journal of computer-mediated communication.
- Cyberbullying Test. Garaigordobil 2017.
- Cyber incivility. Heischman et al. 2019.
Impact on Employees
- Technology-based job experience. Carlson et al. 2017. Three scales of technology based Autonomy, Overload, Monitoring.
- Technoproductivity. Tarafdar et al. 2007. Extent to which technology facilitates job performance.
- Telepressure. Barber et al. 2024, Occupational Health Science.
- Technostress. Chen 2015. Refinement of Tarafdar 2007 measure in China.
- Technostress. Tarafdar et al. 2007. Five subscales: Techno-Overload, Techno-Invasion, Techno-Complexity, Techno-Insecurity, Techno-Uncertainty.
- Technostress. Short form of the Tarafdar scale. Ma et al. 2021, Computers in Human Behavior.