Health-related measures with a workplace focus–work stressors including burnout. General health and mental health measures are in the companion assessment archive.
- Boredom at work. Pindek et al. 2018, Computers in Human Behavior. Factor analyzed Dutch Boredom Scale and Job Boredom Scale to create a single score and three subscales of Boredom, Monotony, and Affective strain.
- Dutch Boredom Scale DUBS. Reijseger et al. 2013, Anxiety, Stress and Coping.
- Burnout Assessment Tool BAT. Schaufeli et al. 20202, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Subscales of Exhaustion, Mental distance, Cognitive impairment, Emotional impairment. Several language versions are available.
- Burnout Assessment Tool BAT. Polish. Basinska et al. 2021, Psychiatria Polska.
- Burnout Assessment Tool BAT. Portuguese version. Sinval et al. 2022, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
- Burnout Assessment Tool BAT. Spanish version. Vinueza et al. 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
- Copenhagen Burnout Inventory CBI. Kristensen et al. 2005, Work & Stress.
- Oldenburg Burnout Inventory. Demerouti and Bakker, 2008.
- Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure SMBM. Shirom & Melamed 2006 International Journal of Stress Management. Subscales of Physical fatigue, Emotional exhaustion, Cognitive weariness.
Coping with Stress
- Emotion regulation strategies. Diefendorff et al., 2008, Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Recovery Activity Characteristics (RAC) questionnaire. Alameer et al. 2023, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Subscales of Physical, Social, Creative, Mental, Spiritual, Virtual, Outdoor.
- Recovery Experience Questionnaire REQ. Sonnentag & Fritz 2007, Journal of Applied Psychology. Four subscales Psychological detachment, Relaxation, Mastery, Control.
- Workplace rumination. Frone 2015, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Emotional Reactions
- Job-related Affective Well-Being Scale JAWS. Frequency of negative and positive emotions at work.
- Occupational Depression Inventory ODI. Measure of job-ascribed depressive symptoms.
- PANAS-X Manual by Watson & Clark. Measures both positive and negative emotions. Can be used for state or trait emotions. Expanded version of the original PANAS that can be found here.
General Measures
- NIOSH General Well-Being Questionnaire WellBQ. NIOSH 2021. Comprehensive measure of mental and physical health at work and beyond.
Physical Health
- Bergin Shift Work Sleep Questionnaire BSWSQ. Full article here.
- Musculoskeletal disorder MSD. The standardized Nordic questionnaire.
- Physical Symptom Inventory PSI. Symptoms such as digestive upset and headache.