Career Issues

Measures related to career issues such as calling, overqualification, PE-fit and work-family.


  • Brief Calling Scale, BCS. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Scale of having but not necessarily living a calling.
  • Calling. Dobrow & Tosti-Kharas 2011, Personnel Psychology. Four domains: music, art, business, & management.
  • Calling and Vocation Questionnaire, CVQ. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Subscales of Transcendent Summons, Purposeful Work, and Prosocial Orientation both present and searching, plus total scores.
  • Living a Calling Scale, LCS. Duffy et al. 2012, Journal of Counseling Psychology.
  • Work as Meaning Inventory, WAMI. Steger et al. 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Three subscales of Positive meaning, Meaning making through work, and Greater good motivations.

Career Resources

  • Career Resources Questionnaire CRQ. Hirischi et al. 2017, Journal of Career Assessment. Thirteen dimensions including Career confidence, Career involvement, Job challenge, Occupational expertise, and Social career support.

Vocational Choice and Match
