Career Issues

Measures related to career issues such as calling, overqualification, PE-fit and work-family.


  • Brief Calling Scale, BCS. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Scale of having but not necessarily living a calling.
  • Calling. Dobrow & Tosti-Kharas 2011, Personnel Psychology. Four domains: music, art, business, & management.
  • Calling and Vocation Questionnaire, CVQ. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Subscales of Transcendent Summons, Purposeful Work, and Prosocial Orientation both present and searching, plus total scores.
  • Living a Calling Scale, LCS. Duffy et al. 2012, Journal of Counseling Psychology.
  • Work as Meaning Inventory, WAMI. Steger et al. 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Three subscales of Positive meaning, Meaning making through work, and Greater good motivations.

Career Resources

  • Career Resources Questionnaire CRQ. Hirischi et al. 2017, Journal of Career Assessment. Thirteen dimensions including Career confidence, Career involvement, Job challenge, Occupational expertise, and Social career support.

Decent Work

  • Decent Work Scale. Duffy et al. 2017, Journal of Counseling Psychology. Subscales of Safe working conditions, Access to healthcare, Adequate compensation, Free time, Values congruence.
  • Meaningful Work Scale. Lips-Wiersma & Wright 2012, Group & Organization Management. Subscales of Unity with others, Serving others, Expressing full potential, Developing and becoming self, Reality, Inspriation.

Veteran Reintegration

Vocational Choice and Match
