Measures related to career issues such as calling, overqualification, PE-fit and work-family.
- Brief Calling Scale, BCS. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Scale of having but not necessarily living a calling.
- Calling. Dobrow & Tosti-Kharas 2011, Personnel Psychology. Four domains: music, art, business, & management.
- Calling and Vocation Questionnaire, CVQ. Dik et al., 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Subscales of Transcendent Summons, Purposeful Work, and Prosocial Orientation both present and searching, plus total scores.
- Living a Calling Scale, LCS. Duffy et al. 2012, Journal of Counseling Psychology.
- Work as Meaning Inventory, WAMI. Steger et al. 2012, Journal of Career Assessment. Three subscales of Positive meaning, Meaning making through work, and Greater good motivations.
Career Resources
- Career Resources Questionnaire CRQ. Hirischi et al. 2017, Journal of Career Assessment. Thirteen dimensions including Career confidence, Career involvement, Job challenge, Occupational expertise, and Social career support.
Decent Work
- Decent Work Scale. Duffy et al. 2017, Journal of Counseling Psychology. Subscales of Safe working conditions, Access to healthcare, Adequate compensation, Free time, Values congruence.
- Meaningful Work Scale. Lips-Wiersma & Wright 2012, Group & Organization Management. Subscales of Unity with others, Serving others, Expressing full potential, Developing and becoming self, Reality, Inspriation.
Veteran Reintegration
- Military-Civilian Adjustment and Reintegration Measure M-CARM. Romaniuk et al. 2020, BMC Psychiatry. Subscales of Purpose and connection, Help seeking, Beliefs about civilians, Resentment and regret, Regimentation.
Vocational Choice and Match
- Perceived Cognitive Overqualification Questionnaire PCOQ. Fine & Nevo 2008, The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Perceived Overqualification Scale POQ. Johnson et al. 2002, The Journal of Psychology. Extended the Khan & Morrow 1991, Journal of Business Research scale.
- Subjective Underemployment Scales SUS. Allan et al. 2017, Journal of Vocational Behavior. Subscales of Underpayment, Status discrepancy, Hours discrepancy, Involuntary temporary work, Field, Poverty wage employment.
- Work Volition Scale, WVS. Duffy et al., 2012, Journal of Vocational Behavior. Subscales of Volition, Financial constraints, Structural constraints.
- Work Volition Scale–Student Version. Diemer et al. 2012, The Counseling Psychologist. Perceived capacity to make occupational choices.
- Behavioral role conflict. Clark et al. 2019, Journal of Business and Psychology. Work-family conflict that focuses on behaviors.
- Coping with work and family stressors. Clark et al. 2014, Journal of Business and Psychology. Covers strategies people use to cope with stressors from work and from family.
- Work-Family Conflict Scale WAFCS. Haslam et al. 2015, Child Psychiatry and Human Development. Subscales of Family to work conflict and Work to family conflict.
- Work-family and family-work conflict. Netemeyer et al. 1996.
- Work-family conflict. The 6 dimension Carlson, Kacmar & Williams (2000) scale.
- Work-Family Conflict Scale ISSP. Breyer & Bluemke, 2016. Zusammenstellung socialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen. 2-item scales of family-work and work-family. English and German language.
- Work-family enrichment. The Carlson, Kacmar, Wayne, & Grzywacz (2006) scale.
- Work and family engagement. Rothbard 2001. Subscales of Attention and Absorption for work and for family.
- Work-Family Facilitation Scale. Sheila Holbrook 2005, Dissertation.